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Title: PHY 2001, Astronomie: Histoire et Concepts PHY 2001, Astronomy: History and Concepts
Institution: Tele-universite, Canada


Certificate, continuing education.

[French description - English follows]
Objectifs et contenu:
Prendre contact avec la specificite de la demarche scientifique, par le biais d'un survol de l'evolution historique de l'astronomie et d'une etude de ses developpements recents.

Histoire de l'astronomie, de l'Antiquite jusqu'au milieu du XIX siecle; naissance de l'astrophysique; evolution de l'astronomie et evolution des theories physiques; astronomie et astrologie; les outils d'observation de l'astronomie; mouvements, structure et evolution des etoiles; relativite (restreints et generale); trous noirs; cosmologie; evolution de notre conception de l'Univers; structure a grande echelle de l'Univers; expansion de l'Univers; les grands themes de la recherche contemporaine en astrophysique.

[English description]
Objectives and content:
This course allows students to become familiar with the specificity of scientific procedures by skimming through the historical evolution of astronomy and by studying its recent developments.

Course contents are as follows: history of astronomy, from Antiquity to the middle of the nineteenth century; the birth of astrophysics; evolution of astronomy and evolution of theories in physics; astronomy and astrology; observation tools of astronomy; movement, structure and evolution of the stars; relativity (restrained and general); black holes; cosmology; evolution of our conception of the Universe; large scale structure of the Universe; expansion of the Universe; major themes in contemporary astrophysical research.

Assessment may include: Assignments, examinations.
Assessment is by assignment (25%) and examination (75%).

Programmes in which this course may be included:
Certificate in Science and Technology.


Astronomie et son histoire.



Media and methods employed: Printed text, tutorial support.

Administrative information:
This is a 3 credit course.


Date: 19 July 1996 vmb
Source: Tele-universite 1995/1996 Brochure

© 1999 International Centre for Distance Learning, The Open University

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